Barry has been writing and editing more or less constantly since childhood, sometimes in a professional capacity, sometimes for pleasure.
Barry’s writing is focused on how people live, and how the environment around them influences their choices. With a special focus on development and municipal government this invariably leads to discussion of housing and transportation. Barry also writes about health, technology, and dogs, both from an end-user perspective and on a more philosophical level.
Barry is known for his work over twenty years in the non-profit sector. During that time he worked primarily (but not exclusively) with Arts and Media organizations as a volunteer, Board Member, Staff, and in various consulting capacities. During those years he wrote for and edited publications for non-profit broadcasters, web sites for arts groups, and training materials for clients and from time to time was published in various newspapers and magazines.
in 1998 the Community Foundation of Ottawa-Carleton presented Barry with an Investing in People Award In recognition for work developing and encouraging community radio in Canada.
2017 marked a focused return to writing as a primary activity and has been published in the Globe and Mail, Fortune, the Guardian, and Next Avenue among other places.
This focus on writing was especially true when Barry relocated to France from Canada. And then from France to Nova Scotia.
And, in 2024, back to Vancouver. It’s complicated.
Contact Barry at or 902-600-9750.
A full resume can be found at LinkedIn. You can also follow him on BlueSky a tool more recreational than professional, and at Three Squirrels in a Pressure Cooker, a blog documenting the move to France, Nova Scotia and elsewhere.
Member: North Shore Writers’ Association and the Federation of BC Writers
Mailing address
1591 W. 16th Avenue #303
Vancouver BC
V6J 2L7
“Appalbarry” is the screen name used by Barry in many places on the Internet dating back to the early days of MSN and AOL chat clients. Somehow the attachment to Kentucky never goes away.